Solar water heating system is a device that comforts in heating water by using the energy from the SUN. This energy is completely free. Solar energy (sun rays) is used for heating water. Water is easily heated up to a temperature of 60-80 centigrade. Solar water heaters (SWHs) of 100-300 liters capacity are appropriate for domestic use. Larger systems can be used in restaurants, canteens, guest houses, hotels, hospitals etc.

A Solar water heater of 100 liters capacity can substitute an electric geyser for residential use and may save approximately 1500 units of electricity yearly. The use of 1000 SWHs of 100 liters capacity each can contribute to a peak load saving of approximately 1 MW. A solar water heater of 100 liters capacity can prevent emission of 1.5 tones of carbon dioxide per year.

Flat-plate collectors

Flat-plate collectors

  Evacuated-tube collectors

Evacuated-tube collectors

Parabolic-trough collectors

Parabolic-trough collectors

One of three types of solar collectors can be selected for solar water-heating systems: flat-plate, evacuated-tube, and parabolic collectors.

Flat-plate collectors
A black absorbing surface (absorber) inside the flat plate collectors absorbs solar radiation and transfers the energy to water flowing through it. A flat-plate collector is basically a panel-shaped box containing fluid filled tubes mounted on a dark-colored absorber. Suitable for both residential and non-residential use, it can also operate well in a humid climate, where haze creates more diffuse, rather than direct, sunlight.
Evacuated-tube collectors
The Collector is made of double layer borosilicate glass tubes. In an evacuated-tube collector, side-by-side tubes hold the fluid to be heated. An outer glass tube surrounds each tube, and a vacuum between the inner and outer tubes provides good insulation to reduce heat loss. The collector operates at high temperatures with high efficiency using direct and diffuse light.
Parabolic-trough collectors
A parabolic-trough collector consists of a long U-shaped mirror that focuses the sun onto a fluid-filled tube along the center of the U-trough. This highly efficient system typically tracks the sun and requires direct, not diffuse, sunlight. The major use has been non-residential or institutional applications such as prisons and hospitals.

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